NeuroStructural Optimization

Network Spinal Analysis
Gentle Contacts along the Cranio-Spinal -Meningeal system serve as cues to “Connect and Release” patterns of spinal tension. Spinal Entrainment is a process where subluxation patterns accumulated though a lifetime of physical, emotional and chemical stress shift from Survival to Ease. Awareness, Coordination and more Efficient Strategies to adapt to stress evolve as Spinal Neural Integrity improves.
Conducted as the largest study in Alternative Health of self-reported outcomes, patients of Network Spinal Analysis reported improvement in the following areas:
A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self- Related Health, Wellness and Quality of Life, Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 1997, Vol 1, No.4, p 15-31. Conducted within the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, College of Medicine, and Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine California 92697-1275

Improved Physical State relative to:
- Less physical pain
- Less tension or stiffness of spine
- Improved allergies, eczema, and skin rashes
- Fewer incidences of colds and flus
- Fewer headaches
- Less menstrual discomfort
Improved Life Enjoyment relative to:
- Openness to guidance by inner voice feelings
- Experience of relaxation and well being
- Positive feelings about self
- Interest in maintaining healthy lifestyle
- Feeling open when relating to others
- Confidence when dealing with adversity
- Compassion for and acceptance of others
- Incidence of feeling of joy and happiness
Improved Mental/Emotional State relative to:
- Improved positive feelings about self
- Less moodiness, angry outbursts, and depression
- More interest in life
- Improved ability to think and concentrate
- Less anxiety and concern about vague fears
- Improved ability to stay on task
- Less distress about pain
Improved Overall Quality of Life relative to:
- Personal Life
- Oneself
- Extent one adapts to change
- Handling of problems in Life
- Actual Life Accomplishments
- Life as a Whole
- Overall contentment with life
- Significant Other
- Life being what one wants it to be
- Romantic Life
- Physical appearance
Torque Release Technique
Born out of research, Torque Release Technique embodies the latest innovations in Chiropractic for the treatment of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). Evaluating the Cranio-Spinal-Meningeal system as a functional unit, TRT focuses on the foundation of nerve system function.
The Integrator is the only chiropractic adjusting instrument that was developed out of a randomized clinical trial, blinded and with placebo control. As featured on the Discovery Heath Channel, TRT was shown to reduce depression and anxiety and strongly associated Chiropractic care with a state of well-being.
The Brain Reward Cascade, a theory featured in the mainstream science of addiction, links Subluxation-based Chiropractic care to Well-Being and expression of human potential.
Reward Deficiency Syndrome: A Biogenic Model for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Impulsive, Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs,November 2000, Vol 32 Supplement