
Somatic Awareness Breath and Bodywork


Applied Kinesiology

Cranial Nerve Auriculotherapy


Triune Wellness



Energetic Chiropractic

Neuro-Structural Optimization




Vitalistic Nutrition

Neurologically Based Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic for the 21st Century

Chiropractic care is a natural and non-invasive approach to health and well-being. Most people know that chiropractic can help with structural and postural issues associated with low back pain, but less know about its role in assisting the body to heal properly. Physical, Mental and Chemical Stress place demands on our bodies and impact our nervous system. The nervous system, the master system of our body, is comprised of our brain, spinal cord and nerves. When the spine shifts, or subluxates, it can compromise the nervous system, interfering with its ability to regulate, coordinate, and heal. Over time, this leads a downward spiral in physical comfort, emotional stability, and overall well-being. Rather than continually chasing symptoms, chiropractors focus on that neuro-spinal relationship, restoring normal function and allowing the body to do what it’s supposed to do. Chiropractic is all about Connection!

Our approach to adjusting the areas of the spine that are out of alignment or under tension work in harmony with the body. Our techniques we employ are tonal, specific, low force and are a product of the latest research and advancements in Chiropractic. We use state-of-the-art assessments of the nervous system to customize a specific care plan catered to your health goals.

 Techniques used: Pain Neutralization Technique, Network Spinal Analysis, Torque Release Technique,  Sacro-Occipital Technique, ArthroStim Instrument.


“Auriculotherapy, also known as Cranial Nerve Augmentation, is often confused with ear acupuncture but it uses no needles, no acupuncture points & no meridians.  A micro-current stimulator is placed on neurological points that correspond to the various cranial nerves & cervical ganglia on the ear. These nerves then send a message to the brain based on the location of the area being diagnosed or treated. Therefore, Cranial Nerve Augmentation is considered mainstream clinical neurology.

Imagine your brain as a computer. Inside this computer is a “map” of the entire body. This map is neurologically projected onto the ear through the body’s nervous system. Accessing the points on the map is like using a computer’s keyboard or mouse to gain entrance into the system. With this system we are able to directly diagnose & treat a number of problems & conditions through the “brain’s computer” – American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders

Auriculotherapy has been shown to be effective along side subluxation- based chiropractic care in the modualting the “Brain-Reward Cascade”. CNA is theorized to release endorphins and enkephalins, which impact our ability to express well-being. This modality has been researched in the management of pain, musculo-skeletal complaints, withdrawal management  and addiction.  


Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology(AK) is a holistic approach to optimum function which is based on the triad of health. Muscle testing is used to assess bio-mechanics and the functional integrity of the nervous system.  AK can assist in restoring postural imbalances, improve range of motion and optimize nerve function as an adjunct with chiropractic adjustments. AK techniques are dynamic and specific to the patient. Nutrition, stress reducing techniques and structural therapies (cranial, myo-fascial, acupressure and reflex points) are considered in an integrated way to restore balance.