The Five Fiery Elements are the fundamental patterns, conscious or unconscious, which are the
underlying cause of distortion in the Triune of Well Being. These patterns are the primary root
cause of dis-ease, breakdown and suffering in humanity.
This is one of the most important reasons for breakdown in the areas of body, mind and spirit.
We by our very nature can cause constriction and lack of Energy flow in our being.
The major Constraints are lack of sharing love and kindness to our fellow human beings,
animals and nature.
Fear may be the strongest of the constrictions, bringing in itself fearful memories of our past,
making us unable to have faith and trust about the present and future, Leaving us unable to
believe! Fear causes resistance to change, keeping us in a safe or familiar place, making us
unable to move from our comfort zone even if these places may cause and precipitate a
miserable existence.
Some causes of constriction are:
• A lack of generosity of monetary goods which suppresses ones emotions, not allowing them to
see who they truly are. Whether or not you are praised or supported, your beliefs count!
• Inability to forgive, holding onto judgmental, hateful or vengeful feeling, our restrictions causes
constriction within our body, mind and spirit not to mention all the positive life forces that wish to
nurture and please us.
These constrictions that are formed can cause restriction of breath, inability to make or hold eye
contact, lack of zeal, lack of deep sincerity or spontaneity and the inability to share with others
emotions and feelings (lack of compassion and reverence for God).
Denial is an elusive word, for no one likes to admit it. “No, not me!” On the contrary, we are all
in a state of denial about something.
The worst kind is denial to our self or that we even have a higher self (a spirit!).
Unfortunately our society has taught us that we are of just body and mind, showing little or no
concern of how to nurture the spiritual body, which allows us the conscious ability to transcend
with the physical into the spiritual realms of reality. Many times, as children in a structural
society, we lose our ability to be individuals and free thinkers, so as to not lose the pace with our
peers. Hence, evolving late in many areas of our self-awareness or not at all.
We often deny our true feelings in order to please, impress others, or in fear of rejection or
reprisal. Alas, we are denying ourselves the freedom to see and experience the beautiful things
in life, and forget that today was a gift.
Our lives are based on the moment; we cannot live in or change the past or the future. Much of
our lives are wasted in either of these two realms of consciousness not realizing that this very
moment will become our past and is our guide and reality of our future. “Don’t forget to smell
the flowers!”
Evolution of the Soul:
Our very existence is an evolutionary process of our spirit.
At any given moment we are given free will to do and be as we choose. Due to this
unbelievable gift of free will, we don’t often stop to think of how our conscious behaviors affect
us in intangible realms of our reality.
It is with purpose that our manifestation is in a physical form and not only spirit. The physical
body is the vehicle that allows the spirit to transform and manifest its reality for our evolution. It
is important that we realize the reformation of the spirit is a conscious one.
Refraining from doing conscious wrong and good only for our well-being is the fight of our whole
existence. We must learn to become awake and understand the impact of our choices.
Abstaining from Life:
We were created to participate in this challenge called life. Each and every person matters as
an individual and is part of the whole. We are all interconnected in more ways than you could
Without participation, we lose our will and ability to thrive. When we don’t thrive we die a little
every day causing our own subconscious doom and breakdown. Life does not call upon us to
be like “Nike “advertisements to be considered thriving participants of Life!
We need to acquire a passion for life and all its wonders. Incredibly, we need not travel far for
an awakening, nor is there too young or old an age to be inspired by great thoughts and ideas.
Sharing and openly receiving inspiration ignites change. This change can transform the
mundane into the sublime and can open doors for our ability to transcend beyond the walls in
which we may be sitting. Take the challenge!
Abusive Nature:
Through all of it we have survived!
Man is not only abusive to himself, but to all of his kind trying to find fault instead of similarities,
overwhelming all of our senses to the point of destruction and encouraging others to follow suit.
Tragically, we are taught to be abusive by our times and society. It’s actually socially
Most don’t even have an inkling of their own abusiveness. We are taught to work hard and play
even harder, in order to belong and to acquire. Because of this we have loss our sense of
peace, simplicity and the deep need for spiritual tranquility. We have become numb to our own
sense of reality and are lost among ruin.