The Vagus Nerve: The key to Mind-Body Balance

The Vagus nerve is one of the cranial nerves that Connects our brain to our body. This nerve is key to how our bodies respond to stress. When we are constantly anticipating stress we tend to hold our breath, armour ourselves with tension and often feel worried, anxious and frustrated. When our bodies are in survival mode, “fight or flight”, it is impossible to be in a healing state.

Stimulation of the Vagus nerve promotes a sense of calm, relaxation and state of safety. Allowing our bodies to break the pattern of fight or flight we increase our capacity to heal, shift our mood, and increase our well-being and resilience. Not only does this greatly impact our health on a physical level, it also effects our state of social engagement, presence and state of joy and happiness.

Our wellness immersion program integrates safe and natural ways to stimulate the Vagus Nerve to help De-Stress. Cranial Nerve Auriculotherapy is an technique utilized to directly access the nervous system. The auricular branch of the Vagus nerve reaches the skin of the ear, where specific points can be stimulated by gentle micro-current, influencing our bodies response to stress. This gentle, non-invasive therapy’s theory of mechanism, amplifies the bodies own “feel good” chemicals called endorphins and enkephalins.

Auriculotherapy and Somato-Respiratory- Integration are natural ways to stimulate our bodies innate healing ability through Vagal nerve stimulation.

Learn how these approaches fit in your own specific wellness program to help reach your health goals! Call us at 678-506-1665 to schedule your consultation!